I am NOT stuck on stupid………..
The plantation and ghetto were created by those who had power, both to confine those who had no power and to perpetuate their powerlessness. The problem of transforming the ghetto, therefore, is a problem of power – confrontation of the forces of power demanding change and the forces of power dedicated to the preserving of the status quo. It is the strength to required to bring about social, political, and economic change….”power is the ability of a labor union like the UAW to make the most powerful corporation in the world, General Motors, say ‘Yes’ when it wants to say ‘No.’ That’s power.”
-Bro. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Where Do WE Go From Here?
The plantation and ghetto were created by those who had power, both to confine those who had no power and to perpetuate their powerlessness. The problem of transforming the ghetto, therefore, is a problem of power – confrontation of the forces of power demanding change and the forces of power dedicated to the preserving of the status quo. It is the strength to required to bring about social, political, and economic change….”power is the ability of a labor union like the UAW to make the most powerful corporation in the world, General Motors, say ‘Yes’ when it wants to say ‘No.’ That’s power.”
-Bro. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Where Do WE Go From Here?
I am more convince today than ever before that life is a series events that have already happened and if we befriend time we will one day catch up in fact and find our call – our purpose. My purpose is deeply rooted in my community. At this critical juncture of political and tense partisan divide; a conversation that I care not to indulge is if in fact the Democrats are more concerned for the general welfare of people or if the GOP values and embodies the importance of self-reliance; which most assuredly implores the well used illustration of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. I am not concerned about the sensationalized politics or the embitter game of who has the most experience. I am not concerned about a pregnant teenager or about the color of a candidate’s skin.
What am I concerned about is the challenged indirectly issued to community organizers everywhere tonight by the GOP.
In a move to discredit and devalue the community work of Sen. Obama and make light of the fact that every day ordinary American citizens work in the trenches of their communities have been depreciated by the party of those who have a “monopoly on Patriotism.”
The acclaimed unimportance of being a Community Organizer to me is disheartening and all but short of hypocritical. Yet, they appreciate the “executive experience” of the Governor from Alaska but yet do not find organizing work equally comparable. When it’s quite clear the real change comes from the bottom up and not from the top down.
If the appreciation and importance of having an “executive” position is necessary than I can only imagine how life would be with another “executive” like the same “executive” who sits on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Tonight – trying to correct a wrong that can never be made right (Katrina) and trying to salvage a legacy that was destroyed on Day One.
Tonight I sit in silent tears as I have witnessed the virtual mockery of the years, tears, successes, setbacks and comebacks of the forerunners of the movement for “justice for all”
laughed at by those who know nothing about the common man or the issues he or she may face.
Once again the “Conservatives” have made a spectacle of their internal struggles of not being true to the morals and beliefs they supposedly hold dear use as a solid foundation to be the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.
Once again the “Conservatives” have made a spectacle of their internal struggles of not being true to the morals and beliefs they supposedly hold dear use as a solid foundation to be the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.
Since the inception of Mr. Obama’s run for the presidency, the GOP has been pulling old tricks out of the bag of “Fear Politics” using the puppets of Fox News trying to convince Americans that Sen. Obama is of another faith when in fact he has better understanding of the essence of Christianity that many may never get nor understand.
The GOP, known for its moral implications and its Christian rhetoric, seem to have no idea of who they worship or claim to be followers of.
To be a Christian according to most accounts is being identified as the follower of Christ.
How then can we say to profess to be a follower of Christ if we know not the walk of the Messiah or the talk of the Holy One? Only referred to in the New Testament as the “King of the Jews” twice – once two after he was born in lowly manager by the three wise men and again when he was hung on across in between two thieves – was referred more times as the Son of Man. This title illuminates his divine humanity.
How then can we say to profess to be a follower of Christ if we know not the walk of the Messiah or the talk of the Holy One? Only referred to in the New Testament as the “King of the Jews” twice – once two after he was born in lowly manager by the three wise men and again when he was hung on across in between two thieves – was referred more times as the Son of Man. This title illuminates his divine humanity.
A common man raised in the obscure and despised village of Nazareth – known today as on the wrong side of the tracks – took to the streets with the simple mission of liberation and freedom to his community. Encountering no strangers but leading followers with the common belief of changing the world one life at time. Always eating with the “least of these” while exposing the “best of thieves” to include Pharisees and Sadducees – the biblical conservatives. But according to the GOP he had no “real responsibilities.”
The record is clear that the original community organizers are found in between the words of “In the Beginning and the End” - Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Nehemiah and the list goes on - were the foundation of Rev. King’s belief of transformation from the dire symptoms of individualism and the cancerous thoughts of me, myself, and I - now I know why those conservatives have misconstrued views.
After watching tonight’s convention speeches the question resounds more clearly than ever in the ears of Community Organizers across the nation, “Where do we go from here?”
It is clear that after tonight we must not be dismayed or feel any hatred towards those who sit on the wrong side thought.
However it is evident the work must continue lest we found ourselves on the plantations of moral deprivation and in the ghettos of oppression.
The work of must continue on to have the boldness to stand and say “No” to the Status Quo and “Yes” to the will power within each of us to continue this fight to manifest Kennedy’s Dream of the “World as It Should Be.”
The work of must continue in our communities, in our homes, on our campuses, on our jobs, and in our churches to show the forces of darkness that our light of love and compassion for one toward another cannot and will not be hid.
The work must continue on the streets, on the corners, at the bus stops to put into practice the pronouncement of The Teacher “to preach the good news to the poor”
This work must continue as we follow our moral compasses to know that we are all “entangled in the fabric of destiny” that we are our brother and sisters keeper and what happens to one effects us all.
However, today I accept the challenge that as young Community Organizer I must continue my work of “real responsibilities” and one of those responsibilities include ensuring that the “Old Man with the Short Hand” and the “Pit-bull with lipstick” do not take the helms of this ship that we call America for the “eyes of the future are looking back praying” that I see – we see - beyond our own times.
I sit at my table tonight in Raleigh, NC angry not to point of a violent reaction but to a point of solemn action. An action that will in fact bring about the change that each of us can believe in.
A change that will come on this November 4th when you and I, old and young, the rich and poor, black and white, gay and straight, Muslim and Christian, elected official and community organizer stand together and say “NO” to the status quo of the largest corporation on this Earth – the American Government and elect a Community Organizer – Sen. Barack Hussein Obama.
Don’t believe the hype but keep up the fight. The woods are still lovely, deep and dark but there are miles to go before I sleep……….
A change that will come on this November 4th when you and I, old and young, the rich and poor, black and white, gay and straight, Muslim and Christian, elected official and community organizer stand together and say “NO” to the status quo of the largest corporation on this Earth – the American Government and elect a Community Organizer – Sen. Barack Hussein Obama.
Don’t believe the hype but keep up the fight. The woods are still lovely, deep and dark but there are miles to go before I sleep……….