Monday, May 18, 2009

Reading is fundamental! Well for me it is........

I will confess that I love to frigging READ! It may not be the biggest or most interesting confession but you just don't know how fond I am of a good thick juicy......BOOK (mind out of the gutter please). I believe that I came out of the womb with a book in one hand and a blackberry in the other. I laugh now thinking about how my sister and I use to sneak books to church. We somehow would always managed to get caught, maybe it was because my mom was an usher and our church was not much larger than a matchbox. And can you believe my mom --a school teacher at that--would cut our fannies because we were reading in the church house (yeah I said fannies and church house).

So today I was looking around my apartment and was slightly overwhelmed by all the books that I have all over the place - including in my never used fireplace and even in my freezer too; (how else can you turn a soft cover hard?!) when the thought came of starting an online book club via Facebook. I am sure out of the thousands of friends -- known and unknown -- some of them must share the same passion for reading as I do. So here is the game plan:

  1. Send an email to expressing your interest in the book club
  2. Spread the word to your friends who are avid readers
  3. Subscribe to my blog (The AutoBLOGraphy of an Ex-Colored Man) for updates as we move forward in this great endeavor.
Be on the look out for an email from very soon from me so we can turn the page (LOL) on this new chapter of our online book club (corny? yea or nay? lol). And as always please leave comments!


Currently reading: The Shack by WM. Paul Young and "Here Comes
Everybody: the Power of Organizing without an Organization" by Clay

Listening: "Unplugged" performed Lauryn Hill